[Politech] Forbes columnist: "Let's have less of Lessig!" [ip]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 19:41:56 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "[Politech] Pentagon email reportedly shows call-ups of ex-military"

    [To be fair to Larry, his reply is here:
    http://www.lessig.org/blog/archives/001840.shtml --Declan]
    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Let's Have Less Of Lessig
    Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 20:57:57 -0400
    From: Monty Solomon <monty@private>
    Digital Tools
    Let's Have Less Of Lessig
    Stephen Manes, 04.02.04, 3:00 PM ET
      I suspect the Mies van der Rohe estate won't sue me for saying it's
    clearer than ever that when it comes to copyright law, Lessig is
    Moron. Stanford law professor Lawrence "Larry" Lessig has lately been
    the Great Oz of copyright law, with student acolytes, members of the
    self-important blogosphere and Tin Woodmen of the press hanging on
    the latest droppings from his Palo Alto, Calif., Emerald City tower
    about the supposedly pernicious evils of today's copyright system.
    Lessig has had a remarkable free ride in the public prints, but
    apparently he had a nightmarish vision of the curtain coming down on
    his radically silly ideas when he read my lambasting of his wacky new
    book, Free Culture, in the March 29 issue of Forbes (see "The Trouble
    With Larry"). Not only did Lessig take to blustering and bloviating
    in his March 20 blog entry, but he seems to have been the victim of a
    meltdown worthy of the Wicked Witch of the West.
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