[Politech] A close look at John Kerry's *real* tech agenda [ip]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Mon Aug 02 2004 - 08:35:06 PDT


John Kerry's real tech agenda

   August 2, 2004, 4:00 AM PT
   By Declan McCullagh

   The  Democratic National Convention is over, some $65 million has been
   spent  on  a  week-long party in Boston, and what do we now know about
   John Kerry?

   The   Massachusetts   senator   barely  mentioned  technology  in  his
   convention  speech,  except to marvel at ever-shrinking microchips and
   implore everyone to visit JohnKerry.com. That's not much to work with.

   So  let's  take a look at what Kerry was doing before he announced his
   bid  for  the  White  House--long  before  the usual phalanx of speech
   writers   and   marketing   consultants  began  filtering  his  public
   statements  into  something  that  resembles the texture and flavor of

   A  careful  review  of  Kerry's  history  in the Senate shows that his
   record  on  technology is mixed. The Massachusetts Democrat frequently
   sought  to  levy  intrusive  new restrictions on technology businesses
   that  could  harm  the  U.S.  economy. He was no friend of privacy and
   sided with Hollywood over Silicon Valley in the copyright wars.

   But his votes in favor of free trade won him a rating of 87 percent in
   the  106th  Congress  and  71  percent  in  the  107th, according to a
   scorecard  compiled  by the Information Technology Industry Council. A
   Wired  News  technology  scorecard in 2000 was less flattering, giving
   Kerry a mere 50 percent.

   Kerry  never  was  a  steadfast  foe  of  the  tech  industry, as were
   politicians  like  Sen.  Fritz  Hollings, D-S.C. But Kerry did veer in
   that direction a few times.

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