[Politech] An odd reply to Politech post on church linking lawsuit [fs]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 05:54:21 PDT


>From: "CEC Services, LLC" <Security-Officer@CEC-Services.com>
>To: declan@private
>Subject: Regarding Montgomery Griffith-Mair, Hot Springs AR
>Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 10:47:20 -0600
>Organization: © Copyright 2004, CE
>  C Services, LLC  All
>  rights reserved.
>At archbishops.org/ansinewswire.html, Montgomery Griffith-Mair AKA Father 
>and Father Monkey wrote:
>"Politech Digest Reports In its Vol. 12. Issue 2, yesterday, that (The Rt.
>Rev'd Montgomery Griffith-Mair) was effectively gaggedby Arkansas Judge Homer
>Wright by some kind of injuction,after the same team of plaintiffs (Prentice,
>James, et al)had sued Griffith-Mair for criticizing them (Garland County
>Circuit No. CV-2003-515-I), and won. Griffith-Mair, known for his thriftyness,
>may have hurt himself badly in this case by defending himself pro se 
>instead of
>retaining counsel. Having the case decided by twelve mostly 
>unsophisticated and
>non-Internet-using jurors, instead of by a bench trial,may have also hurt."
>The message quoted above, allegedly to politech-digest, is a complete
>misrepresentation of the facts.  (For details of what really happened and 
>see http://www.geocities.com/ococprm/monty.htm .)
>Griffith-Mair is not a US citizen, although residing on visa status here, and
>publishes anti-American propaganda at archbishops.org and at fathermonty.org.
>Griffith-Mair claims to have no church but claims to operate a "youth mission"
>which also does not exist.
>Griffith-Mair is a convicted criminal of three misdemeanors, including assault
>and trespassing, in the State of Mississippi for which he is on probation.
>Griffith-Mair was arrested in October 2001 for the rape and beating of a
>20-year old mental patinent.  That case was null prossed because the victim by
>his testimony would have admitted he engaged in consensual homosexual acts 
>Griffith-Mair before being badly beaten with a paddle which was recovered as
>evidence in the alleged crime.
>In April 2004 Griffith-Mair as Defendant lost a defamation suit brought by two
>Churches against him for defamatory material at archbisops.org and
>fathermonty.org.  The jury, which Griffith-Mair demanded and wrote before the
>trial that he wanted to be "all Black", ordered a $30,000.00 judgement for
>punitive damages against the Defendant.  An injuctive order prohibiting
>Griffith-Mair from publishing anything about the Plaintiffs on the internet is
>due to be entered shortly by the Judge.  In the meantime, Griffith-Mair
>continues to his defamatory attacks on the internet and wrote on August 11,
>2004 that he intends to continue publishing after the injuction is entered by
>way of making his websites password protected and by 
>subscription.  Needless to
>say, if that happens the Judge will see through that ruse and find
>Griffith-Mair in contempt of court.
>Please be advised that any messages published by Griffith-Mair here after this
>date here may be subject to an injuctive order.
>Thank you.
>Colin James III (The Most Rev'd)
>Victor Prentice (Metropolitan)
>The Continuing Episcopal Church
>The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America, Inc.
>(719)210 9534
>August 11, 2004

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