-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Flight Attendant Blogger Controversy Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 00:08:40 -0500 From: Ellen Sky <queenofsky@private> Reply-To: Ellen Sky <queenofsky@private> To: declan@private Hello Declan, I am a flight attendant for a major airline who was recently suspended for blogging (actually for photo-blogging). Here is my blog's URL: http://queenofsky.journalspace.com and here is a story on an L.A. journalist's blog about my plight: http://cathyseipp.journalspace.com/?entryid=414 She has included one of the "inappropriate" pictures that I deleted from my blog. I would love to get some feedback from you and your readers. Thanks, Ellen aka Queen of Sky _______________________________________________ Politech mailing list Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/ Moderated by Declan McCullagh (http://www.mccullagh.org/)
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