[Politech] In China, Google censors more than just politics: beer, dating, joke, gay sites too [fs]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Thu Jan 26 2006 - 14:25:45 PST


What Google censors in China
January 26, 2006, 1:27 PM PST

Google's new China search engine not only censors many Web sites that 
question the Chinese government, but it goes further than similar 
services from Microsoft and Yahoo by targeting teen pregnancy, 
homosexuality, dating, beer and jokes.

In addition, CNET News.com has found that contrary to Google founder 
Sergey Brin's promise to inform users when their search results are 
censored, the company frequently filters out sites without revealing it.

[...remainder snipped...]


This chart is better seen on the Web page (URL above) because it'll be 
poorly-formatted in email, but FYI...

Site / Category / Google.cn / Yahoo China/ MSN China
bacardi.com	Alcohol	Deleted	OK	OK
badpuppy.com	Gay	Deleted	Deleted (1)	OK
bignews.org	News	Deleted	Deleted	Deleted
beerlabels.com	Alcohol	Deleted	OK	OK
bombaysapphire.com	Alcohol	Deleted	OK	OK
budweiser.com	Alcohol	Deleted (5)	OK	OK
catholiclesbians.org	Religious	Deleted	OK	OK
chinesenewsweek.com	News	Deleted	OK	Deleted
collegehumor.com	Humor	Deleted	OK	OK
date.com	Dating	Deleted	OK	OK
ebaumsworld.com	Humor	Deleted	OK	OK
falunasia.info	Advocacy	Deleted	OK	Deleted
faluncanada.net	Advocacy	Deleted	OK	Deleted
funnyjokes.com	Humor	Deleted	OK	OK
gaycenter.org	Gay	Deleted	OK	OK
gaycrawler.com	Gay	Deleted	OK	OK
gaytimes.co.uk	Gay	OK	Deleted	OK
gio.gov.tw	Government	OK	Deleted	Deleted
guinness.com	Alcohol	Deleted	OK	OK
hightimes.com	Drug use	Deleted (6)	OK	OK
hrw.org	Advocacy	Deleted	OK	Deleted
jackdaniels.com	Alcohol	Deleted	OK	OK
jokesgallery.com	Humor	OK	Deleted (1)	OK
lesbian.com	Gay	Deleted	OK	OK
libertytimes.com.tw	News	Deleted	OK	OK
lingerie.com	Sex	Deleted	OK	OK
mm52.com	Entertainment	Deleted	OK	OK
netfirms.com	Web hosting	Deleted	OK	OK
network54.com	Community	Deleted	OK	Deleted
neworder.box.sk	Security	Deleted	OK	OK
news.bbc.co.uk	News	Deleted	Deleted	Deleted
omnitalk.com	Community	Deleted	OK	Deleted
penthouse.com	Sex	Deleted	Deleted (1)	Deleted
playboy.com	Sex	Deleted	Deleted (1)	OK
pressfreedom.com	Advocacy	Deleted	OK	Deleted
queernet.org	Gay	Deleted	OK	OK
resist.com	Racist	Deleted	OK	OK
rsf.org	Advocacy	OK	Deleted (2)	Deleted
savetibet.org	Advocacy	Deleted	OK	Deleted
search.msn.com	Search	Deleted	OK	OK
seas.upenn.edu	Academic	Deleted (5)	OK	Deleted
sonicnet.com	Music (VH1)	Deleted	OK	OK
sxetc.org	Sex ed.	Deleted	OK	Deleted (3)
teenpregnancy.org	Sex ed.	Deleted	OK	OK
theagitator.com	Blog	OK	Deleted	OK
thisisessex.co.uk	Local	Deleted	OK	OK
time.com	News	OK	Deleted	OK
voa.gov	Government	Deleted (1)	Deleted	Deleted
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