-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CPSR Seeking A Few Good Board Candidates Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 22:12:36 -0400 From: Robert Guerra <lists@private> To: Declan McCullagh <declan.mccullagh@private> Dear Declan: Would you be so kind as to forward a copy of the following call for candidates on the Politech list. CPSR would indeed be honored to have one or more members of the list either join or even better, run for one of the positions on the board. regards Robert Guerra <rguerra@private> Director, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) http://www.cpsr.org -- CPSR Seeking A Few Good Board Candidates Are you passionate about promoting the responsible use of computer technology and wish to help attain that goal? Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) is seeking motivated candidates to run for the board of directors for 2007. The terms of office filled with this year's election will expire in 2010. This is a working board of directors and we are in need of good minds and creative individuals to promote the mission of CPSR, build our membership, and support our goals of responsible use of computing technology. Board Members help shape policy and collaborate to keep this organization running. The positions require on average four to eight hours of work per week, voting on at least 80 percent of the formal motions brought before the board, and leadership once a year of one CPSR project, or activity, which can include editing of the monthly Compiler. To run for an elected position on CPSR's Board you must be an adult CPSR member in good standing as of May 31st, 2007. To apply, please send a statement of interest (500 words or less) to - nominations@private Your statement should include: Subject Line: CPSR 2007 Board Election Nomination * A description of your background and qualifications, including relevant educational and employment history, past work with CPSR, and any other relevant experiences; * A brief policy statement outlining your perspective on the CPSR program and the issues facing the organization; and * Optionally, a link to your own web page. Please forward this call for nominees to anyone you think might be interested--if they are not a CPSR member encourage them to join today! Join CPSR at - https://secure.privaterra.org/cpsr/ _______________________________________________ Politech mailing list Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/ Moderated by Declan McCullagh (http://www.mccullagh.org/)
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