RE: Secure popen

From: Antonomasia (antat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 13:50:32 PDT

  • Next message: Aaron Bentley: "Re: Secure popen"

    From: SBNelsonat_private
    A>> Ken Arnold published a secure popen() in Unix Review years ago (1994?).
    A>> ...
    A>> This brings us to your question:
    A>> If you do the pipe()-fork()-exec() thing and call
    A>>     execl("/usr/lib/sendmail","sendmail","-oi","-t");
    A>> you can then pipe in your recipients' names as
    S> Please help me understand.  What would be wrong with using popen(2) with
    S> "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t" and passing the to/subject lines via input to
    S> sendmail?  Is there something wrong with popen itself?
    popen() with "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t" would be fine in this particular
    case (provided the environment was reset - CGI usage being discussed
    and I don't know exactly what environment you can pass that way)
    where the command line can be chosen as a fixed value.  More generally
    where some user input makes it into the command line exec*() is preferable
    as it avoid shells and all their interpretation.
    There are such practices as quoting and checking input against a whitelist
    but the simple ways are the most foolproof.  As a performance manual put it;
    the best compute is no compute and the best I/O is no I/O.
    # Antonomasia   ant                      #
    # See                        #

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