Re: Secure popen

From: KuroiNeko (evpopkovat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 10:57:38 PDT

  • Next message: KuroiNeko: "Re: Secure popen"

    > Ultimately I think that scripting languages encourage the construction
    > of programs which are "99% correct", i.e. they work fine unless their
    > input contains unexpected characters (e.g. language metacharacters).
     The  same applies  to any  piece  of software,  regardless of  the way  of
    execution. Program  behaviour depends on  how careful is  non-trusted input
    examined  and  treated.  Moreof,  languages with  special  text  processing
    features have  (potentially!) more chances  to detect malformed  input than
    others, more `general' ones.
    > This thread started with a question about a "secure" popen() function.
    > What's insecure about popen() itself is the fact that it passes its
    > input to a script interpreter (/bin/sh).
     Nothing, I  think. Even if  user input  contains nasty sequences  of shell
    commands, everything is piped to recipient's stdin and it's not interpreted
    by shell.
     Care must be taken to make sure that shell really calls `valid' recipient,
    but  that  seems to  be  more  the  matter  of system  administration  than
    > The real issue is a) above. Scripting languages, by their nature, make
    > heavy use of "in-band signalling", where language constructs are
    > embedded within data. Unless care is taken to prevent the problem, the
    > risk is that user-supplied "data" can effectively become user-supplied
    > code.
     I must  admit that I'm kinda  lost here and would  appreciate any, however
    quick and dirty, example related to the problem being discussed.

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