RE: Safe session IDs

From: Michael Wojcik (Michael.Wojcikat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 13:22:42 PST

  • Next message: Glynn Clements: "Re: Safe session IDs"

    > From: Josh Daymont [mailto:joshdat_private]
    > The rand(3) function on nearly any commercial OS will be easily
    > guessable by an attacker. ...
    > For most operating systems, the rand(3) libcall is implemented
    > using a linear congruential generator (LCG).  These kinds of 
    > functions are easily broken by an attacker after getting only two
    > known consecutive outputs.
    Which, in this case, the attacker would have to extract from the preimage of
    the digest.  If the attacker can get that, Ryan has other problems.
    Frankly, I think his session ID algorithm looks safe, assuming a threat
    model where the attacker's only access is collecting generated session IDs
    and providing arbitrary values for the client-supplied inputs to the session
    ID function.  I'd want to prepend or append a counter to the digest to
    prevent collisions, which (by the birthday paradox) will happen with
    probability N/2**64 where N is the number of hash values.  But aside from
    that I don't see a practical attack, and none of the messages in this thread
    thus far have suggested one.
    Jan Lehnardt suggested adding a site-specific secret value to the preimage;
    that's not a bad idea, though trying to predict or force a session ID looks
    infeasible even without it.
    It's true that remote IP and user agent aren't contributing security or
    uniqueness, and could be dropped from the preimage.  (They aren't hurting
    anything, though.)  For uniqueness, the IP addressing tuple (local and
    remote IP address and port) could be used; that has to be unique for
    simultaneous conversations.  Of course, guaranteeing unique (at a given
    moment) preimages doesn't guarantee unique digest values, though, so that's
    not terribly useful.  I'd use a counter outside the digest, as described
    Michael Wojcik
    Principal Software Systems Developer, Micro Focus
    Department of English, Miami University

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