
From: Michal Zalewski (lcamtufat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 07:16:01 PST

  • Next message: Zhodiac: "Re: SIGSEGV, where are you?"

    I am proud to announce Fenris. This tool, developed and distributed under
    terms and conditions of GNU Public License, is a unique combination of a
    multipurpose run-time tracer, stateful program analyzer and partial GCC
    decompiler. Fenris is intended to simplify bug tracking, security audits
    and code / algorithm / protocol analysis - providing valuable structural
    information about internal constructions, execution path, memory
    operations, I/O, conditional expressions and much more. It does not
    require sources or any particular compilation method, so it can be very
    useful for black-box tests and evaluations - but will also provide
    valuable help for open-source project autits, as a nice real-time
    reconnaissance tool for whole application or specific functional blocks
    (used just like 'strace' or on a higher level of abstraction).
    This is not an interactive debugger, and it is not intended to find
    problems, bugs or security vulnerabilities automatically. But it is
    supposed to be a reliable, useful tool that works in real world and can
    deliver valuable information which can be used to detect known problems,
    but also to spot unique or not so obvious dynamic conditions. Among many
    other features, Fenris is able to auto-detect internals (including number
    of function parameters, nesting level) and assign unique names to each
    object; fingerprint functions in static binaries, automatically detect
    common library code; able to deliver text-based and graphical, browsable
    output that documents different aspects of program activity on different
    abstraction layers; able to perform partial analysis of single structural
    blocks. It is designed to make things easier, filling the gap between
    existing code analysis and debugging tools - but not to replace all of
    them :-)
    For more detailed description of used approach, current implementation and
    limitations, please go to http://razor.bindview.com/tools/fenris/README .
    A brief demonstration of available output, please visit
    http://razor.bindview.com/tools/fenris/fenris-ui.html .
    The official site for this project (including downloadable sources,
    credits, etc) is http://razor.bindview.com/tools/fenris/. The code is
    usable, but certainly not finished. It lacks support for certain calls,
    needs to be ported to platforms other than Linux/x86 and needs to support
    compilers other than GCC framework. There are some known, but not fully
    diagnosed fault conditions and a nice "to do" list. I and other RAZOR
    members believe that this project can and will benefit from being an
    open-source development, and because of that, we encourage all developers
    who find this code interesting to contribute and make it better.
    Michal Zalewski [lcamtufat_private] [security]
    [http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx] <=-=> bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
    =-=> Did you know that clones never use mirrors? <=-=

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Feb 13 2002 - 10:55:03 PST