RE: designing a secure mail server?

From: Oliver Friedrichs (ofat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 09:14:58 PST

  • Next message: Sheer El-Showk: "Re: designing a secure mail server?"

    > Please share your opinions about this idea before I head off 
    > on a tangent and start a big project that might or might not 
    > be fundamentally broken due to bad design.
    I would really suggest that you think long and hard before venturing into
    something like this - while keeping in mind that 2 very strong programmers,
    who also happen to be security experts have already done this.  You know
    about qmail, but there is also Postfix by Wieste Venema.  Also, why are #3
    and #4 problems for you?
    Postfix :
    What is Postfix? It is Wietse Venema's mailer that started life as an
    alternative to the widely-used Sendmail program. 
    Qmail :
    qmail is a modern SMTP server which makes sendmail obsolete, written by Dan
    Bernstein, who also has a web page for qmail. qmail is a secure package.
    Just my opinion,
    - Oliver

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