Re: Security - ciphers - autentification

From: Lada 'Ray' Lostak (rayat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 09:55:09 PDT

>You say you need a secure auth and communication method on totally
>clients. Now is that possible ? If they could log keypresses, they would be
>to fake them as well, and have your business app do whatever they want in
>the name of the logged in user, once auth is passed.
It is not problem if they will 'see' communication. Or record keys. Once I
have external key, logging/watching is not problem at all.

>Using an authentication method involving some hw (calculator you mentioned)
>the user's part (with all the inconvenience..) you might prevent an
>from stealing auth info, but compromised terminals are still a threat for
>logged in users.
True, I know.... If attacker will setup tunel (or they will be connected
throw proxy), hack browser to get sessionid/cookie (I know it is easy) then
.... :) _but_ requires 'hacker', not script kidde. It requires someone, who
'knows' how 'things' works. Not some stupid 12 year old slink, which is
running 'some script, which is c00l'.

There is no *real* security... Or I am miss ? I will be happy then...

>It's like connection hijacking (the attacker does not need auth info) but
>of the network layer, it happens somewhere between the keyboard and the
>(Or inside the browser, or whatever the compromised terminals might come up
True... That's why we come up is 'user class'. It means - user can log in
different auth classes. If user will work from untrust terminal, he will log
on some lower class (for ex. 'read only'). If someone will hack connection,
he can't do *everything* in the system. It is better than nothing.

Security is only question of time. Nothing is secure. Only time required to
'hack' them is different. All I am trying is to make this period a bit
longer, than pure https login.

And connection hijack is my second biggest problem... Any hints how to
prevent connection hijack ? Cookies can be stolen pretty simple, session ID
too. IP address can be changed during requests (lame providers like AOL).
Because of bugs in Internet Explorer we can't use 'keep alive' (and keep SSL
layer using one sessionID/symetric keys) for longer time [if server will
remember these things, then hijack will be harder to do - still possible,
but harder - and it is a point].

Server can verify IP address (suck AOL and similar), cipher type/parametres,
exact browser version, ... and check every request. But simple tunnel (or a
bit work around) ....

I didn't find any acceptable solution :-( In todays world, if someone will
WANT to break into informations, he will do it. Just question of time.......

Best regards,
Lada 'Ray' Lostak
Unreal64 Develop group

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