IMP and cleartext passwords

From: Jarno Huuskonen (Jarno.Huuskonenat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 11:53:03 PDT

  • Next message: Barton Miller: "Re: Announcement: injectso-0.2"

    I'm "researching" (for a school project) how IMP (2.2.x)
    ( handles user sessions etc.
    One thing I don't like about IMP is how it stores user's password in
    database: The password is stored in cleartext (base64-encoded) in the
    database, so anyone who has (or can get) access to the active_sessions
    table can get logins/passwords of all users who are currently logged
    in. (IMP needs access to the cleartext password to connect to the
    IMAP/POP server).
    A possible way of encrypting user passwords before they are stored in
    the database is to create a random encryption key(K) (and sessionID) for
    each client and encrypt the password with K.
    The sessionID and K are stored in client cookies and all other user info
    is stored in the db (sessionID is the lookup key). So the cookie is
    going to be something like:
    Set-Cookie: IMP-session=sessionID&EncryptionKey ...
    Now because the user's password is encrypted and only the client stores
    the encryption key it's not possible to get the cleartext password
    without also getting the cookie from the client (so it's going to be
    much harder to collect passwords from eg. db-backup).
    I guess to make session bruteforcing harder one could use HMAC:
    something like this:
    IMP-session=sessionID&EncryptionKey&HMAC(sessionID&EncryptionKey) ...
    but if the sessionID is "unpredictable" I don't see much use for the HMAC ?
    Also accepting the sessionID cookie only from one ip-address should make
    session bruteforcing harder (and possibly lock out legitimate users).
    (What about accepting the cookie only from the same subnet (/24) ?)
    Is somebody aware of any studies how often client's ip-address changes
    when accessing www-services ? As I recall in the "Dos and don'ts of
    client authentication on the web" (yahoo section) that it's not that big
    of a problem ?
    Well anyway: Is there a better way of letting IMP have access to the
    user's cleartext password and at the same time trying to keep it
    secret/encrypted ?
    Jarno Huuskonen <Jarno.Huuskonenat_private>

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