Re: Are bad developer libraries the problem with M$ software?

From: Casper Dik (Casper.Dikat_private)
Date: Sun Nov 17 2002 - 00:46:53 PST

  • Next message: Frank Knobbe: "Re: Are bad developer libraries the problem with M$ software?"

    >Myself, I code defensively around this.  It's not hard to write
    >code that can handle either form of return value.  If a value as
    >large as your buffer size or larger is returned, reallocate your
    >buffer exactly and try again; if -1 is returned, double (or
    >whatever) the buffer size and try again; otherwise, everything's
    Note that standards compliant snprintf can return -1 only for:
               A wide-character code that does not  correspond  to  a
               valid character has been detected.
    Retrying with double the buffer size does not help in that case.

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