SafeStr 0.9.5 and XXL 0.9.1 (safe strings and exception handling for C)

From: John Viega (viegaat_private)
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 08:31:51 PDT

SafeStr 0.9.5 (

SafeStr is a string handling library for C that has safe semantics, yet 
interoperates with legacy library code in a straightforward manner.  
Porting C code to use the library natively should also be 
straightforward.  The library works on all modern Unix-like platforms, 
and works in the Win32 environment.

Using SafeStr allows you to avoid buffer overflows in string handling 
and format string problems, if you stick to its API.  It also allows 
you to track whether strings are "trusted", much like Perl's taint mode.

XXL 0.9.1 (

XXL is a threadsafe exception handling and asset management library for 
C.  The goal of this library is to simplify memory management and 
reduce the number of unnoticed errors in programs.  Particularly, the 
programmer need not check error conditions on every single function 
call, nor worry about doing cleanup when things fail, because XXL 
manages that work.

Both of these packages are available under a BSD license.


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