Re: Trusting localhost?

From: Felipe Franciosi (ozzybugtat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 05:04:29 PDT

  • Next message: Sam Baskinger: "Re: Trusting localhost?"

    > If you are creating an application that communicates using TCP, but
    > only want to take requests from the localhost, are there reasons why
    > you would not want to check that the incoming request is from
    > localhost and then trust it?  This is in a Windows environment.
    Hello there Craig.
    I guess it's all about "where" you are binding your socket. If you do
    it on your "loopback" interface  (in Windows I guess it's just called
    the "" interface),  then  the  socket will be unavailable to
    any packet arriving trough your network card(s).
    If you bind your socket to (that is, INADDR_ANY),  the kernel
    will bind it to all interfaces available. See it:
    purgatory:/usr/include# find . -type f -print | xargs grep INADDR_ANY 
    ./netinet/in.h:#define  INADDR_ANY              ((in_addr_t) 0x00000000)
    ./linux/in.h:#define    INADDR_ANY              ((unsigned long int) 0x00000000)
    (INADDR_ANY is the same that, typecasted).
    For mor information on this, I recommend reading  of  Beej's  Network
    programming guide and a great book named Unix Network Programming.
    > Would IP spoofing work if the application was checking for the IP
    > address  If so, how likely is it that IP spoofing would
    > work today, in a corporate environment?
    You can always set access lists on switchs and routers to avoid traffic
    of packets from and to "local" ( addresses over the network.
    Altought binding the socket to your loopback interface should not expose
    your socket to network interfaces, I have seen several OSs with some ARP
    handling problems, over witch an attack can be crafted to access sockets
    binded on other interfaces.
    > Thank you for any direction you can provide.
    Best of luck,
    Felipe Franciosi <ozzybugtat_private>

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