RE: Password Hiding

From: Calderon, Juan C (EM, DDEMESIS) (Juan.Calderonat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 30 2003 - 08:51:56 PDT

My approach to this is trying to hide the password using steganographyc
techniques over disguised files.

e.g. store the password in a .dll file in System32 folder (where many of
windows and third party dlls are stored) using a steganographyc method.

Since DLL files are several KB long files, you have to fill your file
with dump data, besides this allows you to store your "treated" password
at an arbitrary intermediate position in the file (not the begining nor
the end).

Of course this is not infallible but a harder to discover method.

cheers :)

Juan C Calderon
Application Security Auditor

-----Original Message-----
From: pablo gietz [mailto:pablo.gietzat_private]
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 1:14 PM
To: secprog
Subject: Password Hiding

Hi all
This is my first post,
What can I do to hide a password that is used to encrypt-decrypt a
config.file? .
Where to save the password?. The program must run without user
intervention and use this password to access that file.

Language: Delphi

Platform: windows


Pablo A. C. Gietz
Jefe de Seguridad Informática
Nuevo Banco de Entre Ríos S.A.
Te.: 0343 - 4201351

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