RE: Password Hiding

From: Michael McKay (mmckayat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 19 2003 - 18:15:51 PDT

  • Next message: ari: "Re: Need help. Proof of concept 100% security."

    I've seen a few suggestions, but whether they are good ones depends upon
    information that you don't supply.
    Why is the config.file encrypted in the first place?  What types of
    threats are you protecting against? Why does your unattended application
    need to access the file?  Is there any potential location differences
    (application running on another PC)?  etc. etc.
    You can see that there are a variety of solutions that might work,
    depending upon the answers to these questions.  It is usually bad
    practice to have clear passwords on a hard-drive.  So if you have to do
    it, the next step is to minimize the impact of the password being
    recovered.  For example: use 2 config files, one as before and the new
    one only for the unattended application (with different passwords
    Michael McKay
    -----Original Message-----
    From: pablo gietz [mailto:pablo.gietzat_private] 
    Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:14 AM
    To: secprog
    Subject: Password Hiding
    Hi all
    This is my first post,
    What can I do to hide a password that is used to encrypt-decrypt a
    config.file? .
    Where to save the password?. The program must run without user
    intervention and use this password to access that file.
    Language: Delphi
    Platform: windows
    Pablo A. C. Gietz
    Jefe de Seguridad Informática
    Nuevo Banco de Entre Ríos S.A.
    Te.: 0343 - 4201351
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