Network library lcrzo 3.14

From: Laurent INFOS (infosat_private)
Date: Sun Jul 01 2001 - 23:11:21 PDT

  • Next message: Laurent INFOS: "Network test toolbox lcrzoex 3.14"

    Version 3.14 of lcrzo is now available.
    Lcrzo is a network library, for network administrators and network
    Its objective is to easily create network programs.
    This library provides network functionnalities for Ethernet, IP, UDP,
    TCP, ICMP, ARP and RARP protocols. It supports spoofing, sniffing,
    client and server creation. Furthermore, lcrzo contains 
    high level functions dealing with data storage and handling.
    Using all these functions, you can quickly create a network test 
    program. Lcrzo, which means "Laurent Constantin RéZO" (RéZO=network in 
    French), and can be pronounced " 'el' 'sea' 'reso'lv ", is available 
    under the GNU LGPL license. This library was successfully installed under 
    Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris.
    The library lcrzo provides :
     - network functionnalities :
        + address conversion
        + packet encoding/decoding/printing
        + spoofing
        + real/virtual UDP/TCP clients/servers
        + sniffing
        + device(network board) dealing
        + etc.
     - and general functionnalities :
        + data conversion
        + chained list
        + IPC
        + etc.
    Over 200 examples of lcrzo are included in lcrzoex.
    ** download **
    You can read more about lcrzo and download it at :     [main server]     [backup server]  [backup server]     [backup server]                      [backup server]
    ** changes **
    Lcrzoex/lcrzo 3.14 includes the following changes :
    Version 3.14 - 01-july-2001
     ++ bugs ++
      - In lcrzo_err_print, stdout wasn't flushed after error displaying.
        In some cases (immediat exit of child process), error message
        wasn't displayed.
      - Under Solaris 2.8, in lcrzo_spoof_ip, the field totlen of IP headers
        had to be recomputed if the packet contains IP options.
      - In lcrzo_data_initm_int, the check for correct format was too
        strict : a '0' wasn't allowed ("%9d" and "%11d" were allowed, 
        but not "%10d").
     ++ major evolutions of liblcrzo ++
      - Port to OpenBSD (2.9) by Jean Philippe Luiggi.
      - Creation of functions lcrzo_record_recfile_init_pcapfile and
        lcrzo_record_pcapfile_init_recfile to convert a libpcap/tcpdump
        packet file to a record file.
      - Creation of functions lcrzo_filename_clean, lcrzo_filename_parentdir
        and lcrzo_filename_lastfile, to clean a path, obtain the parent
        directory and obtain the file name.
     ++ minor evolutions of liblcrzo ++
      - Creation of lcrzo_global_[sg]et_data_regexp_casesensitive to
        select if regular expressions have to be treated as case sensitive.
      - Creation of lcrzo_string_initm_icmptypecode to create a string
        containing the explanation of an icmp type and code.
     ++ major evolutions of lcrzoex ++
      - Creation of tool 260 : backdoor web server to execute
        commands remotely
      - Creation of shared functions for nntp.
      - Tool 261, 262 : send mail with attachment.
      - Tool 263 : send news with attachment.
      - Tool 264 : verify if a mail server allows relaying.
      - Tool 265 : list all newsgroups on a news server
      - Tool 266 : download one newsgroup message
      - Tool 267 : download messages of a newsgroup
     ++ minor evolutions of lcrzoex ++
      - Update of web client tools (96..99, 190..203) : basic proxy
        authorization is now supported.
      - Update of shared functions for smtp.
      - Update of smtp and nntp clients (162, 163 and 165) to support 
        subjects containing accents (special characters).
    Laurent Constantin     [main server]     [backup server]  [backup server]     [backup server]          [backup server]

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Jul 02 2001 - 08:23:54 PDT