
From: patrik.karlssonat_private
Date: Mon Jan 14 2002 - 14:12:25 PST

  • Next message: patrik.karlssonat_private: "iXsecurity.tool.oat.1.0.0"

    Hash: SHA1
    The Oracle Auditing Tools are to be run against
    Oracle servers on the Microsoft Windows platform.
    The OAT use CREATE LIBRARY to be able to access
    the WinExec function in the kernel32.dll. Having
    access to this function makes it possible to
    execute anything on the server with same
    permissions as the user who has started the
    Oracle Service. So basicaly all accounts with
    default passwords, or easy  guessable password,
    having this privelege can do this.
    The OAT have a builtin TFTP server for making file
    transfers easy. The tftp server is based on the
    server source from www.gordian.com.
    The Tools are Java based and were tested on both
    Windows and Linux. They should hopefully also run
    on any other Java platform.
    The toolkit consists of the following tools:
    OracleSamDump - Connects to the Oracle server
    and executes TFTP get, to fetch the pwdump2 binary.
    The server is then pwdump2:ed and the result is
    returned to the SAM folder of the TFTP server.
    OracleSysExec - Can be run in interactive mode,
    letting the user specify commands to be executed by
    the server or in automatic mode. In automatic mode,
    netcat is tftpd over to the server and binds a shell
    to the tcp port 31337.
    OracleTNSCtrl - is used to query the TNS listener
    for various information, like the Oracle lsnrctl
    utility. It is somewhat limited though. Use the help
    command to see commands curently implemented.
    - --
    Patrik Karlsson
    Version: PGP 7.0.1
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Jan 14 2002 - 14:47:04 PST