FWReport 1.1.1 Released

From: Chris Travers (chrisat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 20:47:37 PST

  • Next message: Chris Travers: "Re: FWReport 1.1.1 Released"

    Hi all;
    Since many people seem to have found FWReport 1.0.0 useful, I am 
    announcing the release of 1.1.1.
    FWReport is a log parser and reporting tool for IPTables. It generates 
    daily and monthy summaries of the log files, allowing the admin to free 
    up substantial time, maintain better control over security of the 
    network, and reduce unnoticed attacks.
    The focus since 1.0.0 has been on increasing the flexibility of input 
    and operations.  New features include the ability to suppress day-by-day 
    reporting in monthly reports, the ability to suppress rdns queries for 
    faster results, and the ability to read from STDIN.
    Best Wishes,
    Chris Travers

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