Looking for assignments

From: Jones, Ry (rjonesat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 14:31:16 PST

  • Next message: Leslie Regener: "Software Engineer-Security, San Jose CA"

    I'm currently looking for assignments that are either 100% telecommute
    (with a few weeks onsite to start) that are etiher FTE or contract or
    a contract in the Bay Area. I have previously worked for Microsoft's
    ITG security group and Sun's NSPG. My most recent security position
    was with Spyrus.Com, which was a fine job up until they stopped making
    payroll. I do QA work and have set up and run several
    PKI/LDAP/Exchange server test labs. If you're looking for a QA person,
    send me mail and I'll send you a resume. Products I've worked on are
    EFS 2.0, SSMD, what is now known as Spyrus PKI, and several internal
    Microsoft security applications.
    Ry Jones
    I'm also looking for about 50k in seed funding to manufacture unique
    network security hardware.

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