High Tech Crime Investigator #650 - NY; DC; Palo Alto,

From: Joyce Brocaglia (joyceat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 12:10:39 PST

  • Next message: Alfred Huger: "Job posting (fwd)"

    Title: High Tech Crime Investigator #650
    Salary: $80k - $100k
    Location: NY; Washington, DC; Palo Alto, CA; Atlanta, GA
    The largest risk mitigation Company in the world is looking 
    for professionals to perform litigation support, 
    investigations, incident response, legal services and 
    computer forensics for their high tech investigative 
    services group.
    ALTA ASSOCIATES, INC. is the number one recruiting firm 
    specializing in Information Security.  Our diverse client 
    base and extensive industry contacts have produced hundreds 
    of placements in: Security Architecture, Cryptography, 
    Electronic Commerce, Security Engineering and Wireless 
    Application Protocol Technology.
    If you consider yourself an expert in any area of computer 
    security, contact us for an evaluation of your credentials 
    and career options.  If you're hiring a security expert, 
    utilize our ability to search a vast network of qualified 
    executives.  Provide us with your specifications and we'll 
    assist you in building a top notch security team.
    Visit our website: www.altaassociates.com
    Contact: Joyce Brocaglia, Principal
    e-mail:  joyceat_private
    Phone:   908-806-8442
    Fax:     908-806-8443

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