My last posting

From: Alfred Huger (ahat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 13:08:51 PST

  • Next message: John Kleinschmidt: "Seeking Employment"

    Hey Folks,
    I just FWD'd a post from a party looking to hire in a series of areas -
    they also offered me a $1000 bounty for my troubles. I forwarded this
    message to the list in the hopes that some of you might be interested in
    For future referance - I don't take money for the list. While I do
    appreciate the offers (I get 3 or 4 a week) this list is meant to
    facilitate the little guy and has been that way since it opened at Secure
    Networks 3 years ago.
    So, if you want to offer bounties - that's *excellent* buit please post
    them to the list.
    Alfred Huger
    VP of Engineering
    It may one day become a reality that people posting job offers are
    required to pay to do so. It simply is not that way right now.

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