Re: buzz words/resumes and call backs with recruiters

From: der Mouse (mouseat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 22:19:09 PDT

  • Next message: Golden_Eternity: "RE: buzz words/resumes and call backs with recruiters"

    > Nowadays its the CFO making the hiring decisions not the CTO
    Um, isn't that itself a major problem?
    Would you have an auto mechanic make hiring decisions for clothing
    salespeople?  Of course not; it's grossly outside the mechanic's field
    of expertise.
    So why would you let a financial expert make hiring calls for people
    outside of the financial person's field of expertise?  Specifically,
    technical people?
    Any company that stupid deserves to be plonked in the round file, it
    seems to me.  I certainly wouldn't bother tuning my resume for such.
    There are enough clueful companies (small ones, usually) that I'm not
    going to waste my time trying to get hired by someone who is not
    competent to judge whether I can do the job in question.
    Not to say that a badly written resume is as good as a well-written
    resume, heavens no.  Just that it seems broken to buzzword-stuff a
    resume in order to get past a broken hiring process.  Would you really
    *want* to work for a company stupid enough to let people in field A
    make hiring decisions for field B?
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