Security Software Engineer Resume

From: Jonathan Wilkins (jwilkinsat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 00:25:23 PDT

  • Next message: Meritt James: "Article: Salary survey: What are you worth now?"

    My full resume is available at:
    Summary Follows:
    I have significant professional experience designing and implementing large 
    and complex software projects in C and C++. My experience includes lead and 
    supporting roles in award winning commercial shrink-wrap software and 
    participation in open-source projects. I have been a member of small, medium 
    and large (100+) development teams and have experience working with 
    professional quality-assurance teams. 
    My technical expertise includes mastery of the C programming language, 
    significant experience with C++, PHP and object-oriented design, and 
    prototyping with Delphi and C++Builder. Development environments have 
    included free and commercial Unix systems using GNU C and Win32 using 
    Visual Studio and Borland C++. I have experience with x86 assembly language. 
    My development work makes extensive use of parsing tools such as Lex/YACC 
    (in both Win32 and Unix environments) diagnostic tools such as gdb and the 
    GNU profiler gprof. On Win32 platforms I use NuMega's Boundschecker and 
    SoftICE. I posess significant cross-platform development experience 
    including native OS interfaces and compatibility libraries such as GNU-Win32. 
    I am extremely familiar with software portability issues across Windows NT/2K,
    FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris. I am familiar with the use of the GNU 
    automake/autoconf toolset to ensure portability. I have written drivers for 
    Windows NT and kernel modules for FreeBSD. 
    I have a commanding mastery of host and network security issues, including 
    industry-leading expertise with secure programming, and network vulnerability 
    assessment. I have released security advisories and performed research in many 
    areas of network security including, traffic analysis and authentication 
    technologies. I also lead the winning team for Capture the Flag (a penetration
    testing contest) at Defcon 6. 

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