Re: Maybe OT, but maybe not - worm rates and layoff rates

From: dgillettat_private
Date: Sun Aug 19 2001 - 15:11:04 PDT

  • Next message: Lisa Jenkins: "SR Security Analyst"

    On 17 Aug 2000, at 2:36, Robert Freeman quoted *someone* who had written:
    > > You tangentially hit the nail here.  The people who are going to
    > > get cut are the One Trick Pony types.  Those who have knowledge and
    > > experience in various fields of discipline will prove more valuable than
    > > someone who can only do one task set well.  In my experience, it pays (in
    > > more ways than one) to wear several different hats.
      As someone who has worn a lot of different hats over the last 20 
    years, and was recently cut from a job where I was juggling 5 hats, 
    I'm finding that a number of prospective employers are saying either
    "Sorry, you're over-qualified for the position we have available" 
    (hey, I'm over-qualified for UI, too!) or "Hah!  You don't have 
    experience with version x.y.0001(!) of that product, so we'll look 
    for someone who does."
      I think the comment was responding to one about "arcane and little-
    understood" responsibilities, and *that* I wholeheartedly agree with. 
     If upper-management has a clear understanding of network/data 
    security and its importance, it's likely to be because they've had 
    recent (bad) experience in this area.  A company whose security has 
    been doing a good job is IMHO less likely to be cognizant of the 
    David Gillett

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