I am an experienced Executive recruiter with over twenty years of sales experience focusing exclusively on the Security industry on a national basis.

From: AGoldstein (agoldsteinat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 09:42:01 PDT

  • Next message: brad.e.bellat_private: "Headhunter Info"

    Dear Security professionals,
    My name is Alan Goldstein, a Senior Associate at Ober Consulting, Inc.  I am
    pleased to attached for your perusal a description of our services as well
    as the typical positions we fill.
    Ober is a boutique-focused Executive Search Firm that specializes
    exclusively within technology nationally.  Functionally, we only place
    Sales/Pre-Sales, Marketing, and Professional Services talent. I happen to
    have over twenty years of successful software sales experience, which is a
    rarity among recruiters within the U.S., and my focus is the entire Security
    (services as well as products/applications.)  Importantly, I deal only with
    the sales executives at client companies.
    As you know, the top candidates are typically busy being successful and must
    be recruited.  They must be sold on leaving their current position in favor
    of an opportunity with another company.  Candidates must trust and have
    confidence in the recruiter.  Importantly, they have faith in my ability to
    find appropriate opportunities and not waste their precious time, period.
    My background adds tremendous value to our candidates' search efforts.  I am
    a subject-matter expert, knowledgeable about a variety of technologies, have
    been trained extensively on solution sales strategies and methodologies.  In
    essence, I can develop peer-to-peer relationships and have intelligent
    business conversations with the successful Security professionals.
    In addition, I am very strategic in my relationships with candidates.  I can
    advise them on critical industry trends, compensation models, and
    competitive landscape, etc.  The candidates are presented to clients in away
    that ensures they can understand their backgrounds as they relate to the
    companies' specific job requirements.  Time is money, thus we want the
    hiring managers to evaluate and understand the candidate in short order.
    I look forward to working with anyone seeking the services of a
    professional, knowledgeable, and experienced recruiter who only takes the
    time to understand candidates' backgrounds, goals, etc. and relate them to
    clients' requirements.  I create strong "marriages" that last.
    Please feel free to call me at 508-872-7514 x233.
    Thank you.
    Alan Goldstein
    "Over 20 years of successful
    software sales experience"
    Senior Associate
    Ober Consulting, Inc.
    (P)(508)872-7514, x233

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