Security Software Engineer

From: Kirk Cordell (
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 11:27:34 PST

  • Next message: Anish: "Challenging oppurtunites are welcome"

    Silicon Valley/ Bay Area, California
    Job Description:
    As Security Software Engineer, you will be responsible for designing and
    developing security software.
    Required Qualifications and Skills:
    - 4+ years experience in development
    - Experience in Linux, UNIX, Windows NT, or any embedded OS
    - Knowledge of security, networking protocols and embedded systems
    - Experience with Linux Kernel, device drivers, SSH and Radius a plus
    - Strong interpersonal and communication skills
    - BSCS/CE or equivalent
    - Familiarity with PCI, PCI-X, Fibre Channel, and SCSI is a strong plus
    CONTACT (with resume and brief summary of how you meet these qualifications)
    Kirk Cordell : Staff-Net, LLC : tel 323/465-9404 :

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