Looking for Contract / Full Time Job

From: s v e n l l r a f f e r t y (svenat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 12:25:40 PST

  • Next message: Lou Mickler: "Looking For Manager, IT Security. Idaho Power, Boise Idaho (a great place to live)"

    I am available for either contract work through my own company,
    hyperSven, or seeking a full time position.  You can view my resume at
    http://svenrox.com/resume.html for details.  Provided below are a sample
    of that resume.
    - Managed firewalls such as CheckPoint Firewall-1 and NetScreen for
    production and test environments
    - Successfully managed the testing and launching of Entercept Security
    Technologies Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in test and production
    - Served as technical lead in Security taking on a proactive role with
    securing test and production environments from OS and software
    vulnerabilities as well as being a key contributor to Corporate Security
    - Successfully maintained a secure and invulnerable Internet Information
    Server (IIS) that effectively withstood major viruses such as Nimda and
    Code Red
    - Accomplished obtaining a 99.9% uptime on a production environment
    - Successfully deployed and maintained web site environment for highly
    visible partner sites such as: AOL, Money, Intel, CBS MarketWatch,
    Netscape, and eTrade 
    - Researched, reviewed, tested, and made final decision on deployment of
    IDS software packages such as Tripwire, Nessus, Entercept and Event Log
    Monitor for Windows NT.
    - Configured secure build of Windows NT 4.x and Windows Server 2000
    (Bastion Host) and deployed for wide distribution on server farm for
    corporate Internet site
    - Effectively created a network map containing 4 front-end load
    balancers, 4 redundant firewalls, 10 VLAN's through 2 redundant large
    switches, 2 routers and over 100 servers
    - Completed documentation for creating secure build of Windows Server
    (NT and 2000), installing and configuring IDS systems as well as
    documenting for disaster recovery
    "A Freudian slip is saying one thing and meaning a mother."
    -- Cliff Clavin

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