Moving... need new job fast.

From: Beaney, Derek (Derek.Beaneyat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 11:40:23 PDT

  • Next message: Clay Dillard: "WANTED: IT/Security Professionals - Raleigh, NC"

    I have to find a job in Seattle WA. My son is very sick and we are moving
    out there to get a bone marrow transplant. The original plan of moving out
    there in 2 years has been canceled because my son had a stroke and they are
    starting the process in 2 weeks. I have looked on hotjobs, and
    Seattle's web page and I have submitted my resume to many places with no
    success ( I live in Rochester NY and it seems companies look more to local
    people 1st) my resume is at if anyone knows of
    anything please let me know

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