Administrivia #14344

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 11:17:09 PDT

  • Next message: Tony Lambiris: "RE: WindowMaker bug"

    I'm killing off a couple of threads, Sircam and ping/F7.
    Unless someone has some more interesting detailed technical details
    as to why the ping/F7 thing works, and hopefully how to exploit it,
    I'll be dropping those posts.  i probably shouldn't have let Sircam
    on in the first place, but it has some interesting technical
    details that never ended up getting explored.
    As everyone knows, Code Red is set to start again in about 5 1/2 
    hours.  I don't think that the little bit of traffic I let through
    last time was really helpful.  I suggest that people take
    any Code Red posts to the Incidents list this time, where the
    majority of coordination took place.  
    Vuln-dev subscribers might consider installing a listener
    on port 80 of their home/whatever machines, and watch for variants.
    Netcat will do.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jul 31 2001 - 11:37:31 PDT