Re: Suspicious JOe.exe

From: Sould3mon (Sould3monat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 03 2001 - 20:28:26 PDT

  • Next message: denis: "Re: slackware permissions"

    i am on dalnet were simmelair  files are being sended on join of channels
    these files are named <somthingto-do-with-sex>
    in it there was 1 exe file
    what i found in it was
    inclear text
    <ircserver> <port> <channel> <pass>  notice <nick> newvic
    the actual line copy & pasted 6667 #vics penile notice ntman newvics
    this an other .exe  sended on dalnet to me wicked.freshy
    both irc servers do not exist not at the time i tested them
    in this zobie version both were in clear text   i think the notice part
    also counts for  the joe.exe
    but it could be any msg :/
    but in this version it came right after the network + port
    ( i do not know if anyone already mailed this 1  my first day in this mail
    group i am sorry if it was)

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