exdploiting the recent windows media player nsc buffer overflow

From: Franklin DeMatto (franklinat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 04:40:55 PDT

  • Next message: Marc Maiffret: "CodeRedII - New non-variant codered worm - Analysis."

    WMP converts the IP Address field into unicode.  This will insert null 
    bytes into every other byte in the buffer, making it very hard to exploit 
    (although it may be possible, like the folks at eeye did with a similar 
    conversion in one of their recent IIS exploits)
    However, if an nsc file can use unicode directly, than an attacker would be 
    able to put unicode in the ip addr field, bypassing the conversion, and 
    easily sploiting.  I have searched through the microsoft documentation, but 
    not been able to determine if nsc 's can be written using unicode 
    characters (like HTML can).  Anyone have any info?
    Franklin DeMatto - http://qDefense.com
    Please do not send mail to antispaamat_private

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