Re: CR and Cable Modems

From: big bon (vulndevat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 08:02:38 PDT

  • Next message: Michel Arboi: "Re: CR and Cable Modems"

    If your cable modem has a real ip address and not a private range ip 
    performance could drop due to the scans.  My surfboard does not obtain a 
    true ip, mine is something like so the only way it could be 
    scanned would be internally.
    >From: Mike <bugginat_private>
    >To: vuln-devat_private
    >Subject: CR and Cable Modems
    >Date: 8 Aug 2001 00:39:39 -0000
    >Is it possible for the CR worm to affect the
    >performance of a cable modem if that modem has a
    >built in web based configuration tool that is accessed
    >via a 192 static ip?  To be a little more specific, by
    >performance I am suggesting the possibility for the
    >built in USB feature to drop an ip address after being
    >probed by the CR?  Two particular cable modems
    >that I am inquiring about would be the 3Com home
    >connect and the Motorola SB4100.
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