wireless rant

From: Russell Handorf (rhandorfat_private-world.com)
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 07:25:28 PDT

  • Next message: Stanley G. Bubrouski: "Re: Possible Buffer OverFlow in OutLook Express 5"

    hey guys 'n galls.
    tis me again.
    since i've posted this, i've received both negative and positive feedback. 
    i apologize for the spout of dyslexia when i replaced mac with ip. my bad.
    i've also noted the emails that have been coming my way regarding this 
    being a well known, well documented, and well discussed issue. well (yup, 
    i'm seeing how many times i can use 'well' before it gets annoying. well, 
    any ways), i am on the east coast, a lesser developed land for wireless. i 
    tried to go to defcon and the discussions that were before defcon was open. 
    unfortunately, i wasn't able to, not for the most part a majority of 
    individuals here on the east coast. i know, from some friends that i have 
    in the bay area, that sf people have had more experience with this 
    primarily because wireless is everywhere over there. but it isn't here on 
    the east.
    my purpose for posting that article was so that the individuals who were 
    less fortunate to have the exposure that others have had to become fully 
    aware of the issues regarding w-lans.
    ok, i'm done now :P
    ps- please disregard all typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors as 
    this email was not well thought out or planned.
    Russell Handorf
    oooo, shiney ::Wanders after it::
    "Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pacman affected us as kids, 
    we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening 
    to repetitive music." ~unknown

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