Re: Winnt/Win2k Vuln ?

From: J. Bol (j.bolat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 14 2001 - 01:47:05 PDT

  • Next message: Jonas Thambert: "RE: Wireless Lans give EVERYONE ACCESS"

    martin.goudreaultat_private wrote:
    > You can also do the same thing with files that are associated: *.doc (will open
    > Word), *.xls (will open Excel), *.mdb (will open Access) and so on...
    > Try this: Create a word document (or excel sheet) with an automacro, copy it to
    > your desktop, rename it to whatever URL you want, open IE and type that
    > address...voila... (worked here!)
    This will only work when the option 'Hide file extentions for known file types' is
    turn on, which is default and most common on average user's systems.
    Verified on NT4-SP6.
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