Vulnerability found in HDCP -- Scientist cannot publish vulnerability

From: Jon O . (jonoat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 13:21:51 PDT

  • Next message: Sebastian Jaenicke: "Re: Assembler Help"

    There is currently a reported vulnerability in the High-bandwidth Digital Content 
    Protection system used by different hardware vendors. The vulnerability was found
    by Niels Ferguson after analyizing the system. However, Niels is unable to release
    the vulnerability due to US and soon international laws.
    Due to DMCA restrictions in the US his paper describing these vulnerabilities 
    cannot be published so there are no details at this time. Background information
    from Niels is available here:
    Background on the DMCA and similar laws being passed around the world are
    available here:
    Hopefully these issues will be worked out so Niels can publish his findings and
    the weak protections can be improved.
    Forwarded message follows:
    ----- Forwarded message -----
    To: dmca_discussat_private
    Subject: [DMCA_discuss] Cryptography Paper suppressed from the DMCA
    Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:13:44 -0700
    Niels Ferguson has found a weakness in the HDCP content
    protection system. However, he can not publish the
    results due to DMCA issues.
    He has written a paper regarding this issue here:
    Censorship in action:
    why I don't publish my HDCP results
    HDCP is fatally flawed. My results show that an experienced IT person can recover the HDCP master key in about 2 weeks using four computers and 50 HDCP displays. Once you know the master key, you can decrypt any movie, impersonate any HDCP device, and even create new HDCP devices that will work with the 'official' ones. This is really, really bad news for a security system. If this master key is ever published, HDCP will provide no protection whatsoever. The flaws in HDCP are not hard to find. As I like to say: "I was just reading it and it broke." 
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