Re: Groupwise Padlock Fix

From: Joe Lyman (JLymanat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 11:48:49 PDT

  • Next message: Kyle L.: "Potential Internet Explorer Security Risk"

    Novell is famous for their "security by obscurity"... I wouldn't plan on finding out any details for a while.
    -Joseph Lyman
    Graphic Products, Inc.
    503-644-5572 ex 5662
    800-788-5572 Toll Free
    >>> "Jeremy Sanders" <jsandersat_private> 08/15/01 11:12AM >>>
    This is in response to a bugtraq post about a new Groupwise patch at 
    My reply was not accepted by the moderator there, so I will try here.
    >I don't know if there is anyone running Groupwise anymore (I >guess I'd be>
     surprised) but this is worth a look if you are.
    Actually a lot more people than you would think "still running" groupwise... :)
    On a more serious note, there is nothing in that update, which I also received, that indicates the type of problem fixed. It just says, load this patch now on your production servers... I have emailed our Novell contacts and got the standard "We don't know either, but if you want to be secure apply the patch" answer. There is also noone in the know on the Novell Forums Groupwise newsgroup. Does anyone have any additional information regarding this patch.
    Jeremy Sanders, CCNP CNE
    Advanced Systems Engineer
    New South Federal Savings Bank

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