RE: Micro$oft wants to dominate the world!??

From: Ingersoll, Jared (JIngersollat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 28 2001 - 14:49:56 PDT

  • Next message: Blue Boar: "Re: \'useradd -p\' problems."

    If you really want to zip m$ out of your world you could add your loopback
    address for micro$ to your hosts file, that should do the trick.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sven Kamphuis [mailto:svenat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 2:19 PM
    To: Syzop
    Cc: vuln-devat_private
    Subject: Re: Micro$oft wants to dominate the world!??
    hmm yep i have also noticed some IE's connecting to some host at microsoft
    (207.x.x.x) before displaying the "This website could not be bla bla"
    kinda annoying... they also override your normal 404,500,403,402 pages so
    users cannot see the <ADDRESS> displaying the vhosts webmaster address...
    furthermore this piece of crap (IE) lacks functions to show source of some
    parts of the code, it lacks functions to show page info (like netscape has
    showing all links and scripts) so you cannot even see what it is doing..
    it has bugs in the GIF library causing our logo to shake on some/most
    versions (, check the logo, its shaking ;), m$ does not
    react to bugreports, they only pay $5.- damage if your entire company
    breaks down if their "products" fail to operate normally
    why the hell people use it anyway... well... their problem ;)
    anyway.... pay for it and then demand your money back for manufacturer
    faults when you "upgrade" to the next version (That way they dont make
    money haha) hmmm time for a TV commercial campaign or something ;)
    promoting demanding money back for such malicious "products" *grin*
    (as there are still bugs still there from dos 4.0 there are plenty of
    grounds for demanding money back anyway ;)
    my dog can code better than those idiots at m$...
    Greetz: Sven Kamphuis
    Technical Manager,
    * CB3ROB BBS
    * Address:
      Prins Bernhardlaan 12
      NL-1921 BB
      The Netherlands
    * Voice:
    * Mail:
    * PayPal:
    * Bank:
      ABN-AMRO Castricum
    *** Ivil has changed the topic on channel #h4h to hetero's 4 homo's zijn we,
    we zijn eigenlijk hetero maar maken porno voor exec
    <exec> lol
    On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, Syzop wrote:
    > When you type a non-existing domain name in internet explorer
    > you get redirected to some thing....
    > I don't know when this was introduced, but AFAIK this was in
    > IE5 and not in IE4... Anyway, normally you get some (stupid)
    > general error page (from your local hd?).. but now you really get a
    > page online:
    > == <snip> ==
    > "We can't find "<domain>".
    > Click Go to try your address again.
    > [<domain>                       ] [Go]
    > Or, correct the spelling of your address above and click Go.
    > See more results for "<domain>" at MSN Search.
    > -----------
    > Get help
    > See technical details
    > Powered by: <%$&#$ logo> MSN Search
    > == </snip> ==
    > I think this time micro$oft has really gone way too far...
    > They can see every non-existing domain lookup from IE users...
    > They can redirect every user to some stupid site of them (actually
    > they are doing that right now) if somebody types an non-existing name.
    > I also noticed (when searching in the registry) the domain is added
    > to safe zone's or something.. mmm!
    > My question is: is it possible to edit some dll/exe/whatever to remove
    > this behavior (so apart from methods like adding your own
    > record in your dns server [or hosts] and firewalling the whole msn stuff).
    >     Syzop.
    > PS: Note: this message was written in just a few minutes, it's very likely
    >       some things are incorrect
    > PSS: Some users (including me) are panicing and switching (back) to NS.

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