RE: CodeGreen beta release (idq-patcher/antiCodeRed/etc.)

From: John R. Morris (jrmorrisat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 06 2001 - 18:08:12 PDT

  • Next message: S: "Re: CodeGreen beta release (idq-patcher/antiCodeRed/etc.)"

    I can't believe anyone honestly considers a "counter-attack" worm the same
    as self-defense. Deadly force, or otherwise normally illegal amounts of
    force, is justified only in defense of your life, or the lives of others,
    your physical well-being, or the physical well-being of others. Defense is
    something done to prevent something from happening, retaliation is something
    done in response to a previous act. Furthermore, from what I gather, it's
    not even retaliatory, it's pre-emptive, being a automated worm like CR. In
    any case, it is illegal, and rather morally and ethically suspect. Releasing
    yet another worm that attempts unauthorized access to someone's machine, and
    then runs code on it is illegal.
    Look at it this way:
    Say someone does this counter-worm for telnetd buffer overflows, and you
    have a black box on your network that can only be accessed via telnet (say a
    printer, or router, or so forth) and it is BSD based, and now you have two
    worms to worry about, for your boss to ask why it wasn't fixed, etc. There
    are less painful ways to let people know, and if they still don't respond,
    they'll get hammered by all the malicious code that is already out there. No
    need to add to the mess. Imagine what the internet (as a community of
    network and systems and their admins) would be like if everyone did this.
    Ugly, isn't it ?
    Just my opinion, and since I just had my appendix out yesterday, I am rather
    heavily medicated. So please pardon the typos and other little errors.
    - John
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jay D. Dyson [mailto:jdysonat_private]
    Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 5:31 PM
    To: Vuln-Dev List
    Subject: Re: CodeGreen beta release (idq-patcher/antiCodeRed/etc.)
    On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, abel wrote:
    > If someone threatens me with a gun, according to the laws of most
    > countries, I am allowed to defend myself, even if it is by blowing his
    > head off with a bigger gun.
    	True, but the law does not afford you the latitude to shoot said
    offender in the back.  And regardless of the justification for the
    counterattack in such cases, you can bet you'll be spending a good deal of
    time and money defending yourself before a Grand Jury.
    	The same is true in cases of digital counterattack.  Sure, you'll
    feel like you're "doing something" and all that, but don't act surprised
    when the boys at the Bureau cast the Great Hairy Eyeball your way.  You
    may feel yourself totally absolved of wrong, but don't count on anyone at
    any LEA feeling the same way.  Sure, there are clear-cut cases of defense,
    but this isn't one of them.
    > Why would we look upon the idea of a "code-green" variant, whichever it
    > will be as "immoral" and "unethical" ?
    	I don't.  I instead look on it as wholly inadvisable.  The mother
    of these sorts of inventions isn't necessity; it's frustration.  Sure, I
    understand the angst of seeing one's systems repeatedly scanned by the
    Win2K box down the pipe, but that doesn't mean it's a Good Idea(tm) to
    break into that box and have it rattle off unauthorized activities against
    other systems (which is essentially what Code Red *and* Code Green do).
    > If your son decides to have unprotected sex at age 15, do you hand him a
    > condom and explain why he should use, despite the fact that he is
    > legally to young ? Or do you let him do whatever he had planned and run
    > the risk of catching another sort of virus ?
    	That analogy is grossly flawed.  Try another one.  Peer systems on
    the 'net aren't even remotely the digital equivalent of your children.
    - -Jay
      (    (                                                          _______
      ))   ))   .--"There's always time for a good cup of coffee"--.   >====<--.
    C|~~|C|~~| (>------ Jay D. Dyson -- jdysonat_private ------<) |    = |-'
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