limewire cookie (among others) disclosure vuln

From: leon (leonat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 30 2001 - 13:59:54 PDT

  • Next message: "Re: AOL IM 4.7 d0s 0-Day"

    Hi everyone,
    Aleph One suggested I post this here to get a more polished version for
    an advisory.  Here is what I have found and I am sure most of the people
    here can test this and develop it even further.  Limewire is a gnutella
    file sharing client.  Due to common misconfigurations by the user,
    people are sharing their whole harddrives.  This means you can do
    everything from downloading someone's quicken data file (quicken is a
    money management program) to downloading cookies off peoples hard
    drives.  Who cares about the cookies you say?  Well I have found cookies
    from certain sites that contains people user name & password stored in
    clear text.  I am sure with enough testing you could figure out a way to
    dump the sam file off an NT box or etc etc.
    Anyone who wants to run with this great I would just appreciate if you
    do further the research you let me know what you find.
    Cheers Vuln-Dev,
    ps: sorry for screwing up the packet capture on the aol im 0-day post.

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