RE: word macro exploits

From: aldous_delossantosat_private
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 00:58:39 PDT

  • Next message: TD - Sales International Holland B.V.: "Re: Civil Disobedience"

    1) MS01-028 RTF document linked to template can run macros without warning
    	This exploit is used by W97M_GOGA.
    2) MS01-034 Malformed Word Document Could Enable Macro to Run Automatically
    	The exploit can be done by messing around with the Macro Table. 
    	An invalid MacroTable entry will cause MS-Word not to prompt for
    Macro Virus Protection eventhough the document contains macros. If the
    security setting is set to HIGH, the macro still gets executed.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Franklin DeMatto [mailto:franklin.listsat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 1:58 PM
    To: vuln-devat_private
    Subject: word macro exploits
    Recently, there's been some discussion of getting macros to execute in MS 
    word files.
    Basically, word macro protection works like this: When the doc is opened, 
    word scans it for macros.  If it doesn't find any, it opens the doc 
    normally.  So, if you can hide the macro, so that the scanner does not find 
    it, than it will still execute.
    I know of two ways to do this:
    1) link from an rtf
    2) warp the .doc so the scanner in word does not pick up on the macros 
    (this is in bugtraq)
    Now, as for my questions:
    1) The Microsoft faq on this vulnerability says you can link a rtf to a 
    template over http
    in other words, even if the template isn't local, as long as it is 
    retrievable via http, it can be linke to.
    I have looked extensively at word 97 and word 2000, and have found no way 
    to do this.  Is Microsoft *exagerating* the extent of the vulnerability 
    (horrors!) ?
    2) Does anyone know how to warp it?  No samples have been made available.
    Franklin DeMatto
    Senior  Analyst, qDefense Penetration Testing
    qDefense: Making Security Accessible

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