RE: Civil Disobedience

From: Aleem (aleemat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 21:27:43 PDT

  • Next message: J. J. Horner: "Time-to-patch vs Disclosure method"

    How difficult would it be for a professional hacker to get into say, one
    of the so many IIS vulnerable machines and use the victim's computer as
    a starting point for the attack. Considering all computers out there
    which sometimes run servers even without the knowledge of the owner, it
    would be possible to launch an attack from a victim's computer and leave
    yourself untraceable. Think of all the innocent people being framed, at
    the hands of a craft and intending hacker who will applaud the outcome
    of his victims. In a sense it boils down to the debate of death penalty,
    commit and crime and you will lose all ability to interact within the
    realms of those crime. Besides, this kind of crime will not go down,
    people will only be more careful and walk along thinner lines to avoid
    the outcomes. 
    Build a better mouse-trap and someone will build a better mouse. It's
    inevitable and history only strengthens the argument.
    - Aleem

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