Blackhat Amsterdam 2001 Training

From: Thorat_private
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 09:08:07 PDT

  • Next message: White Vampire: "Re: Civil Disobedience"

    Greetings security professionals:
    As SecurityFocus is the "Official Security Portal" for the Blackhat Security
    Briefings, I thought the following information may be of interest to some of
    the list membership.
    In addition to my "Web Vulnerably and SQL Injection Countermeasures" Deep
    Knowledge session at the upcoming Blackhat 2001 in Amsterdam, I will be
    leading a new training session regarding the "Secure Development of
    Data-Driven Web Applications."  A brief description of this course follows:
    Deploying a poorly designed web application can be like propping open the
    Front Door into your network infrastructure.  The vulnerabilities introduced
    by these design flaws can be exploited with different techniques of SQL
    injection, URL manipulation, error/debug code analysis, and other insidious
    Since detection of these attack modes can be difficult (or sometimes
    impossible when made over secure channels), it not only important to learn
    how these attacks are structured, but one must learn how to build an
    whose very structure mitigates the impact these techniques can have.
    In contrast to many Blackhat sessions flavored toward the "exploit" side of
    things, this session will concentrate on the techniques and methods used to
    protect your network from these types of vulnerabilities, and "best
    practices" to follow when developing your data-driven applications.
    With content specific to Microsoft IIS5 and SQL2000 utilizing ASP and ADODB,
    this course will provide an overview of a typical application's lifespan
    from the design and planning stage, through to its production and
    The course will be broken into two main areas of study:  Development and
    During the development phase, we will cover the following:
    1) Web Form Design
    2) User Input Validation and Sterilization
    3) SQL query string construction
    4) Data object instantiation
    5) Parameter typing and passing
    6) SQL database design
    7) Stored procedure design and execution
    Implementation will cover the following specific technologies:
    1) Microsoft IIS5 server configuration and hardening
    2) Microsoft SQL2000 server configuration and hardening
    3) SQL mixed mode authentication and pitfalls
    4) SQL Integrated mode, user/group structure, and procedure permissions
    5) Real-world deployments, vulnerabilities, and considerations
    Time permitting, we will take a look at IIS6 running on Whistler and some of
    the new functions and features available therein.
    Other training courses regarding various technologies are also available
    from noted security professionals such as Ofir Arkin,  JD Glaser,
    Foundstone's Erik Birkholz, Rooster, and the incomparable Halvar Flake.
    Interested parties are encouraged to visit
    (may be wrapped) for more information on the classes, schedules, and costs.
    Information on the Blackhat general sessions may be found at
    Thank you for your time and consideration.
    * This email is intended to deliver what I consider to be pertinent security
    information.  My apologies to anyone who may not deem this list as an
    appropriate venue for commercial information.*
    Attonbitus Deus
    rm -rf /bin/laden

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