Dead Thread (civil disobedience)

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 11:13:30 PDT

  • Next message: Brian O'Berry: "Re: pop3 exploit????"

    OK, I just sent the last of them through.  Sorry I didn't get to it
    last night, I've been ill for a couple of days.  
    As always, as moderator I get the last word.
    I only remember not allowing a few messages.  Most of them 
    were flamish ("You got cracked by your own vuln? dumbass.")
    or so far from the original thread, they were going somewhere 
    else.  I also stopped one which did little more than disparage
    the US.  You can call that last one censorship if you like.
    I did it for reasons of practicality.  Right now isn't the best
    time to criticize the US, even if they deserve it.  Don't get me
    wrong, I respect people's right to criticize whatever they want.
    But if you think a hacker's rights thread is bad, try a 
    "US sucks" one right now.  I'm a US citizen.  I love my
    country, I'm just not so thrilled about my government.
    As several people point out (and with links, thanks.) For those
    of us who live here, we have some ways to complain.  Maybe
    that will do some good.  I urge you to at least try.  
    And again, I feel obliged to apologize to those in other countries
    that these problems will ultimately affect, even though they
    have no official channel to complain.  It smells like
    taxation without representation.  Seems to me another
    group of people had a problem with that before.
    In any case, it has once again become obvious that the vuln-dev
    subscribers come from many massively different points of view.  
    The one thing that they have in common is that they would like
    to know about security problems.  So, I return you to your
    normal moderation, hopefully leaving alone the question of
    "should" for a while.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Oct 17 2001 - 14:45:32 PDT