Errors in IE - are they exploitable?

From: Franklin DeMatto (franklinat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 02 2001 - 06:22:04 PST

  • Next message: hellNbak: "Call to arms - INFORMATION ANARCHY"

    Not to rarely, Internet Explorer crashes on me, with the Dr. Watson box 
    popping up.  Now, I don't believe that these are simple buffer overflows 
    and the like, but are rather more likely caused by a complicated internal 
    state with some bugs in it.  They are certainly not easily 
    reproducible.  My question is:  are these exploitable?  Using JavaScript, 
    etc., it would easy to put IE through whatever loops are necessary to get 
    to a particular state.
    All I have to work with is the Dr. Watson logs & dumps.  Like I said, these 
    are not easily reproducable.  If anyone has any advice on this, please 
    share it.
    Franklin DeMatto
    Senior Analyst, qDefense Penetration Testing
    qDefense: Making Security Accessible

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