From: Baron Samedi (baron.samediat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 11:37:18 PST

  • Next message: ghandi: "Re: remote overflow detail"

    We have just covered this issue which is pretty wide-spread outside of .NET
    as part of the OWASP project. It is part of the primary
    attack components look for Privacy
    Violations - Browser cache
    I am still amazed at the amount of sites that still use GET requests for
    form submission as well leaving the parameters in the browser history!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: http-equivat_private [mailto:http-equivat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 10:08 AM
    To: vuln-devat_private
    Subject: .NET Passport: WALLET SERVICE
    This is a little out of our realm, but it sure looks suspicious:
    Microsoft has this so-called .NET initiative. Purpose is unclear at this
    time, but one seemingly nifty feature is the WALLET SERVICE. On the
    surfacethis looks like a good, simple idea and could possibly be boiled down
    to nothing more than an "auto form filler" or even an extension of the IE
    browser AutoComplete feature which "fills in the blanks".
    It seems the idea is that as a passport member you register for the WALLET
    SERVICE. You input your details including name, address, telephone number,
    your credit card details including number etc. You then save this and
    continue on your merry way. The idea is that should you happen upon an
    online retailer offering the latest and greatest, you simply "add to the
    basket" that item and select "checkout".
    The online retailer as a member or whatever the affiliation with the .NET
    initiative is, has a "PASSPORT EXPRESS PURCHASE" button at the final
    "checkout" phase. What happens is:
    you click the "passport express purchase" button, it takes you to the
    PASSPORT login page. You login and there are your details (name, address,
    credit card number etc. etc.). You then select continue, a "transferring
    information" short-time span window is revealed, then magically you arrive
    at the online retailer's final "checkout" phase, with all your details
    filled in. You review it and press "purchase" and that is it. Purchase
    What appears suspicious is that out of 15 randomly selected .NET Passport -
    Directory of Sites participants, 12 of these "checkout" phase pages are
    easily accessible from the browser's temp files with the forms filled in and
    all details in the clear. Name, address,, credit number etc. The
    remaining 3 either directly transferred this sensitive information into
    their databases and only left the name and address and order revealed on the
    html page (and in the cache) or they revealed the credit card number but hid
    some if not most of the credit card numbers.
    It seems that because the final "checkout" phase data is being automatically
    filled in before it is rendered by the browser, when it is, not only is the
    entire page cached but so is the sensitive data.
    Normally one would navigate to the final "checkout" manually, arrive at the
    final stage, fill in the forms manually and press send. The data is
    automatically sent and that information is not cached. And if there is an
    error, the page will return with the sensitive data removed and you would
    fill it in again. It looks like the .NET Passport: WALLET SERVICE fills in
    the sensitive data before it is passed to the browser, so once it "arrives"
    and is rendered, everything is cached including sensitive data.
    Again, this is a little out of our realm. Somebody in this field had better
    take a very close look at it.
    The 12 random sites out of 15, ranged from small retailers, to some
    extremely large retailers. Possibly they are not aware of the
    "miss-integration" of this .NET Passport: WALLET SERVICE. Those same sites,
    if you navigate manually to the "checkout" phase and fill in the sensitive
    data manually, appear to function normally i.e. the page with the sensitive
    data is not cached locally.
    It definitely does not like right.
    Tested with IE6.0. with and without the "do not save encrypted pages to
    disk" enabled.
    Send a cool gift with your E-Card

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