PERL based MS-SQL username/password checker

From: RT (roelofat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 17:37:18 PST

  • Next message: http-equivat_private: ".NET Passport: WALLET SERVICE"

    Always wanted a PERL based script that could test for usernames and passwords
    on MS-SQL (1433)? Test for blank SA passwords etc..? Let it roam inside a
    private net?  Open source..modify and have fun...turn it into a brute forcer -
    PS: found a way to DOS the service as well. Mail was sent to M$. Let's see what
    they come up with. Fiddle with the space allocated to the username and
    password... Eeye might even come up with a sweet buffer overflow..who knows??
    Roelof W Temmingh               SensePost IT security
    roelofat_private            +27 83 448 6996

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